Nowadays, the urban centers of our country are full of old buildings , hence the current importance of building rehabilitation . But are there differences between rehabilitation and restoration of buildings ? The answer is yes! We explain it to you. The majority of the population buys houses to adapt them to their comforts, but it is also necessary to adapt the buildings to their inhabitants, to provide for the inconveniences that may arise due to the passage of time or even to be able to obtain greater performance from them with the rehabilitation of the spaces . Such is the importance of rehabilitation , that there are subsidies for the rehabilitation of buildings by CCAA .
Confusion between the rehabilitation and restoration of buildings is very common , since both terms imply labor . However, knowing the differences and what the work to be carried out is of great importance when it comes to knowing the type of project that is needed. The USA Phone Number List Rehabilitation of the Building involves the total modification The rehabilitation of a building is a major work that is carried out in order to adapt the property to the new uses and functionalities demanded. For example, the change of a residential building to new offices, the installation of an elevator, or the rehabilitation of facades of old buildings .
What is the Restoration of a Building? On the other hand, the restoration of the building does not imply a total modification , but rather this work aims to recover the original state of the property. rehabilitationfacadesbuildings Source Gencat Maintenance of Construction Techniques In both a rehabilitation and a restoration it is important to guarantee the maintenance of the structure . What are the materials used? What is the physical environment of the building like ? What physical and chemical characteristics do the construction elements have ? What is the distribution of the loadbearing walls? Among other. In the specific case of restoration , furthermore, it is essential to keep in mind the building.