A standard Uruguayan number is composed of 8 digits: the area code is 3 digits long, followed by a 5-digit local number. Most landline numbers follow this scheme, with small variations. The way the phone number is composed might vary depending on the area that the number covers, whether it is a mobile number, or if it is a number of special services.
An area code, which is usually one or two digits. A local number Uruguay Phone Number Data which generally contains 7 digits. For example, if you are dialing any landline number in Montevideo-it is the capital-the number would look like this: +598 2 xxx xxxx +598: Uruguay country code. 2: Area code for Montevideo. xxx xxxx: The local number with 7 digits.
Other various cities or towns also have their specific area codes assigned to Uruguay, but they all follow the generic structure of 8 digits, with the inclusion of an area code. For example, for Salto, the area code is 473, while Punta del Este uses 424 as the area code. These area codes are then followed by the local number, which can be a combination of numeric sequences.
Mobile Phone Numbers
Mobile phone numbers in Uruguay also have another way of arrangement, but they also have 8 digits in total, including the area code for mobile numbers. Mobile numbers start with a prefix, mostly commencing with 09, then followed by the 6-digit local number. The format for mobile phones looks like this:
+598 9xxx xxxx
+598: The country code for Uruguay.
9: The starting digit for mobile numbers.
xxx xxxx: The 6-digit local mobile number.
Numbering Plan in Uruguay
The structure of the phone number in Uruguay comes under standardized national number planning where the consistency of number structure is maintained throughout the nation. Both the landline and mobile number would be quite easy to dial while the area codes and prefixes are selected to route the calls efficiently.
A regular telephone number in Uruguay, be it land or mobile, usually contains 8 digits in total. Breaking it further down, the country code, area code, and local number slightly differ depending on either the region or type of service. It will help to know the format in order to allow one to clearly convey the information whether locally or internationally.