Paris put into circulation this Monday a series of driverless electric minibuses between two of its train stations, with the aim of preparing for the "revolution" of new transport, according to a city official. These autonomous vehicles will circulate until April 7 between Lyon station and Austerlitz station, in the east of the French capital, and will be free of charge, within the framework of the tests being carried out by the RATP (French acronym for Company Autonomous Lessee of Parisian Transport). Manufactured by the French company Easymile, these minibuses, which circulate on their own lane, have a capacity for six people seated and two standing. A police officer is on board. Autonomous vehicles represent "a revolution" for cities and will change the urban environment and public space "dramatically" over the next 20 years, Jean-Louis Missika, Councilor for Urban Planning and Architecture at the Paris City Council, told the press.
According to the RATP, these tests "serve mainly to find out the opinions of users about this new service, and also to receive possible ideas that can improve it." It will also allow you to obtain information about its benefits and security. In closed areas, such as in large industrial zones, for example, "this type of vehicle can be used quickly (...) as transport on demand," estimated the president of the RATP, Elisabeth Europe Cell Phone Number List Borne, during the inauguration of the service. This is in fact a new stage in the tests of autonomous minibuses, since there was already a first one at the end of September along the banks of the Seine. Other tests are planned during 2017.The formality of these promises is further evidenced by the appointment of Rex Tillerson, former CEO of the oil company ExxonMobil, as Secretary of State; and the possibility of having Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma Attorney General and climate change skeptic, head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). What is truly worrying is the possibility that nations with high levels of pollution, such as China and India, could follow in the American footsteps and turn their backs on the commitments made in the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement.

I even fear that other countries, seeing that the United States is not committed, may feel less obligated to the development of clean energy and continue to pollute. – Manuel González, Foreign Minister of Costa Rica. All of this, added to the reactivation of the US coal industry, which according to the president has been suffering for too long as a result of unnecessary regulations, raises alarm bells around the White House's new stance on the environment. This is a plan that has deliberately decided to ignore all scientific evidence that supports the existence of climate change and deny the important role of human action in its development. It is evidently an arrogant act that puts at risk not only the future of the United States, but that of the entire world. The White House is committed to achieving energy independence from fossil fuels while protecting clean air and water. All despite the evidence from decades of scientific research indicating that the old way of energy production is harming the planet. This position is worrying, not only because of the decisions that the United States may take derived from it, but because of the possibility that other nations continue down the same path.