At Apple and now work at Microsoft. . Company Type This filter allows you to filter companies based on their type. Most of you will obviously target Privately Held companies but some of you might be interested in other types. company type search filter . Company Headquarters This filter allows you to target people who work for a company that is based on a specific country, region, or city. company headquarter search filter Here you are not targeting the location of your leads or candidates but the location of their company. . Role Filters role filters on Sales Navigator.
Current job title Past job title Function Seniority Job Function Email List level Years in current company Years in current position . Current job title The job title filter will look into all the current experiences of your prospects. current job title filter sales navigator When you use the job title filter, LinkedIn will search within all the job experiences marked as “Present“ profile update linkedin sales navigator The thing is, many people forget to correctly update their job position when they change jobs. They create a new experience, but they don’t close the previous one, which is still marked as present. cleanshot at.
With this “multiple current experience problem” going on Linkedin, you might see unqualified leads in your search even you enter the right job titles. Hopefully for you, Evaboot takes care of this problem by automatically double-checking your search results when you extract them. Export Sales Navigator leads for free . Past job title The Past job title filter works exactly the same way but will only look in the job experiences that are not marked “Present” past job title fitler sales navigator . use an algorithm to guess the function of people based on their job titles.