Clients provide a lot of information on many aspects of the campaign – from keyword research and link building to sentiment analysis and leveraging featured snippets. This article provides valuable insights for optimizing online presence and creating a more targeted and resonant experience for audiences. Table of contents What can you use customer conversations for? Customer conversations are very valuable and help develop and refine an SEO strategy .
The examples below show when customer conversations help: Keyword USA Student Phone Number List research : customers use. This provides insight into the keywords and phrases that customers use when searching for products or services. Customers provide valuable information that can be used to develop a more targeted keyword strategy. Inspiration for content: customer conversations reveal what questions customers have and where their interests lie. This can provide inspiration for blog posts.
FAQ pages or other content. The new content then responds more to the needs and interests of the target group. A better user experience : It's important to understand what customers like or don't like about a website. This provides important insights into where adjustments need to be made. The user experience becomes better and the bounce rate lower. Moreover, visitors will spend more time on the website. This can improve SEO. Link building strategy : Customers mention specific resources or references that they find useful.