I think I am a guerrilla a bit like the militronchos that Gila described in his “national episodes” of the war. Is it the enemy? Let it be. What time are you going to attack? Phew! At that time we are at nap. The teacher expressed himself with that degree of irony, and not only because of his humorous genius, but also because of his skepticism in the face of organized violence. Disbelief and gossip served as a crutch to cover up his radical disagreement with the war, I suppose with all wars. I share with Don Miguel the level of disagreement, I declare myself skeptical of the fuss of Putin's war and everything it provokes. I disagree with those who say that it is a confrontation of democratic versus authoritarian values. There is certainly something, but I don't think it is the determining factor. Others say that these are geostrategic games, that in this war what is sought is to position oneself on territories to create a new line of cold war-type fronts that gives such good returns to the earthly vicarages of power . I'm sure there's some of that too.
Then there are those who believe that the war by or against Putin hides the real confrontation with China , which in reality is the modern version of the Thucydides trap that forces the hegemonic power to face an armed conflict against the power that aspires to its relief. The latter is getting a little closer to what I myself think. Limits Active Phone Number List and responsibilities of the EU in peace efforts But if Athens had to fight Sparta over a question of hegemony, which gave rise to the first definition of the historical trap reported in the Peloponnesian War, one might wonder who are the current contenders, who is the hegemonic power and who is the aspirant. Almost everyone agrees in pointing to the USA as the leading power and Russia, China or the league of authoritarians as a force that aspires to take over. And I don't see this clearly and it worries me, that's why I feel like a guerrilla who is committed to his moral destiny, but I'm a little confused because I don't clearly perceive the silhouette of the contenders in this war , this damn war.

I would really like to recognize the real promoters of him like Anguita, curse them too. By identifying the promoters, my understanding will surely become clearer and I will finally know why and for whom I am committing myself to this damned crime. Everything seems so confusing to me that it requires applying the instinct of an experienced detective in shady cases. And what does the manual of the perfect researcher say? Follow the money trail . Paste, like cotton, does not deceive. We know who loses in this war, the thousands of young contenders on both sides, who, dead or alive, will no longer enjoy life. Who wins? The petrohierarchs, the entire network of people organized in companies and clusters, from both sides as well, who make a living by controlling the supply of the energy necessary to move our communities . Whether Gazprom, Shell, Iberdrola or any other group connected to the current model, their thing is to wage war and fight to maintain their privileged position, and as the situation shows, even from the resulting war crisis enormous benefits can be obtained.