The mail has been migrated this way now you need to change the DNS delegation of the domain in which the mailboxes were located so that the mail is served by the new server. Case III access to mailboxes via the IMAP protocol large number of mailboxes Migration according to the method described in point Case I is very time consuming in the case of a large number of mailboxes to be migrated. If a large number of email accounts are being migrated and the only way to access them is via the IMAP protocol it is worth.
Considering one of the automatic migration tools. The most popular solution of this type is imapsync . The source code of the program is available here . Installing imapsync . Unpack the downloaded archive with the source code using the command tar zxvf imapsync x.xx.tgz . For installation and Country Email List operation imapsync requires the installation of dependencies Debian Ubuntu apt get install make gcc perl RHEL CentOS Fedora yum install make gcc perl . In addition to dependencies installation of some Perl modules is required. The most.
Install Data Uniqid" perl MCPAN e "install Authen NTLM" . After installing the in the source code directory makeinstall imapsync has been installed in usr bin and is ready to use. Mailbox migration using imapsync Imapsync is a console program data is entered into the program in the form of parameters. Below is an example of migrating an old mailbox to a new one imapsync hosr kontakt assword "password" host demo password "password" Using this command you can move messages from a mailbox located on the old server host to a mailbox that was created on the new one host . If we want to transfer a larger number of mailboxes.