Learn the best way to light the fondue kit and learn how the lighter influences the final flavor. Check out! By Deliway Editorial | December 3, 2020 - Updated on January 4, 2021 5 min. of reading How to light fondue There are no secrets to understanding how a fondue kit works or to knowing how to light a stove, as both are simple and practical to use. Because of its simple preparation, the recipe can be made at home, with friends and family, to enjoy the flavor, company and comfort of home. However, when faced with the kit, it is possible to imagine that assembly and functionality are difficult, but it is enough to understand the material of the kit and for what purpose it will be used. In this article, we created a step-by-step guide to answer all your questions and start preparing these delicacies as soon as possible. What to use to light fondue? The question is simple, but the answer is not unique.
It is important to know that for each recipe to be prepared there is a different way to light the stove, just as the kit used also affects the final answer. Some pans can be electric, alcohol-based and even small ones, with only space for special candles, generally used for desserts. For cheese fondue, look for equipment with a large opening and that supports alcohol-based lighters, whether liquid or gel, as well as oil- or broth-based fondues. The famous sweet fondue, with melted america phone number list chocolate syrup, requires shallower and smaller spaces and, consequently, the candle lighter may be the best option, as it keeps the syrup hot, without changing the appearance of the chocolate. Remember that, in addition to the type of fuel, you need to pay attention to the material of the fondue sets. There are pans made of glass, ceramic, metal, porcelain or steel, for example, and each one needs an ideal temperature for preparation, so the lighter needs to be suitable for the material of the pan.

A candle lighter base does not work properly for a steel pan, for the purpose of keeping cream cheese warm, for example. It is also important to remember that there is a chafing dish , which is nothing more than a kit with a lighter separate from the pan where the cream, broth or other liquid will go. This separate igniter is also automated, which allows you to regulate the flame intensity. Therefore, it is possible to keep the cream cheese and chocolate syrup warm according to the needs of each broth. How to light a fondue pot? Once you've decided, it's time to understand a little more about the correct way to light the stove or spiriteira, as the alcohol lamp is known. Always give preference to gel alcohol, as it splashes less and is therefore safer than in liquid form. If the container only allows liquid alcohol, use 70% to 90% alcohol, as the flame lasts longer. Remember that the contents are highly flammable, so care is essential when handling them. Liquid alcohol lamp Insert a steel sponge inside the spirit cup.