It should be noted that some of these programs are free and others are paid, and each company uses the one that meets their needs. Although this article will only focus on the latter, both internally and externally. Video conferences can take place between members of the same company for various reasons. One of the most common is to coordinate a project , carrying out periodic control sessions to analyze its progress and detect possible failures during this process.
In the same way, it can also be used to publicize a new project before it is presented to the general public, with the intention that other members of the company can participate and contribute their own ideas. All these cases occur in those companies that moible number data have several physical headquarters in distant places, either within the same country or even in two or more different countries. This allows employees to carry out a joint project despite their physical distance.
Another of the uses of videoconferencing is to involve those workers who do not go to the offices on a regular basis, but, for various reasons, prefer to do their work from their own home. Another of the common uses of video meetings among the company's own employees is conducting training courses, since it is much easier to coordinate a large number of people simultaneously through an online platform than in a face-to-face event. In addition, simultaneously to the videoconference you can also send text files.